Creative Business Marketing with Menekşe Stewart

Episode 030: Google Analytics Isn't Scary: Here's Why

Episode Summary

When did you last log in to Google Analytics? In this episode, we look at why Google Analytics is an AMAZING must-have in your marketing.

Episode Notes

Most people who run businesses online have “Set up Google Analytics” on their to do list. Jury’s out on whether it will get completed, but even if it does - as soon as you log in, it can feel slightly bewildering and before you know it, it’s been over a year since you last logged in. 

But how do you actually use it in your business, and what decisions can it help you make?


Want to get to grips with Google Tools? Join me inside The SEO Bundle. Find out more about it on my website,, or shoot me a DM on Instagram @menekse.stewart if you’ve got any questions.

Meanwhile, hit subscribe, and see you tomorrow!