Creative Business Marketing with Menekşe Stewart

Episode 002: Taking Imperfect Action: Done Is Better than Perfect

Episode Summary

Does perfectionism hold you back? What ideas or projects are stuck at the “Be Perfect Before Launching” item on your to do list? In this episode, we are exploring the idea of taking action in your business.

Episode Notes

Does perfectionism hold you back? What ideas or projects are stuck at the “Be Perfect Before Launching” item on your to do list?

It might be messy to take action, but mess is part of the creative process - it often takes a lot of chaos to create something beautiful, and a big old pile of ashes to cultivate roses or phoenixes.

What ideas or projects are stuck at the “Be Perfect Before Launching” item on your to do list? And how can you take imperfect action to get them into the world? Maybe it’s marketing, like social media, emails, or writing a blog post. 

Maybe it’s a new product or service. Maybe it’s your business idea! But whatever it is - embrace imperfection, enjoy the mess, and know that the process will bring beauty.